
We support leisure activities for our employees and their children

Small and large, traditional and non-traditional! We like to support various projects or associations in our area that have a social or cultural impact.

In the past period, thanks to our financial support, the HORNÍÁCKA CIMBAL MUSIC OF MARK POTĚŠIL could be presented in the USA or a HOCKEYBALL PLAYING FIELD could be built in Malenovice. Furthermore, we provided a sponsorship donation for the LHOTA FIREFIGHTERS on the occasion of the celebration of 120 years of the founding of the congregation and last but not least, we financially helped the SERVICE AND SUPPORT CENTRE ZLÍN o.p.s.

We wish everyone involved every success in their activities!

And we look forward to other interesting opportunities that we will be able to support. We are very happy to give priority to projects and leisure associations that are in connection with our employees or their children.